Community Visioning | Seniors

What: Input Session #4
Who: Seniors
Where: Mercer Island Community and Events Center
When: May 30, 2018

We continue to get a wide range of people at our community input sessions. The senior session was no different.

Many respondents talked about a central place being essential to create “synergy” on the island for the arts. There was much discussion around programming and how that would entice them to stay on the island. Civic pride was also a hot topic. For example, this group was the first to bring up the idea of needing a “new identity” for Mercer Island — several felt that it was time for Mercer Island to be “known” for something arts-related.

Here are just a few quotes taken from the senior group:

“It would be nice to have more art for people who have more time. Who never knew what they were capable of.”
“Lots of things happen around here that we don’t know about” (re: arts events)
“Arts can bring a community together. Lots of people don’t even know what’s happening downtown.”
“We should position it as a reason to stay [i.e., move here.] Come for the schools but stay for the arts.”
“When I moved here, I was honestly surprised that we didn’t have an arts center”

Input sessions to come: business owners, City of Mercer Island. Keep up on the dialogue by regularly visiting our website.

Everybody’s input is important! Please register and take part in our large visioning session on June 11 from 7-9:00pm at the Mercer Island Boys and Girls Club. Visit or email or call 206-715-7671.

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