Submit an Event
You have made it to the MI Arts Calendar. This online Mercer Island Arts events calendar is for all arts events on Mercer Island or Mercer Islanders who have arts events off-island.
You may include your event on the calendar: click the button below and upload your information. It is advised to attach a good, hi-resolution jpeg image – as opposed to a digital ad or flyer. The size should be a rectangle around 600 pixels wide.
Events are first reviewed before going live on the calendar. We make every effort to publish all submitted events.
By submitting an event, you warrant that all information is accurate and that you have permission to publish any images or other copyrighted information included. Please include credits, captions or notes if appropriate. We may contact you for further details to ensure that the event posting is accurate, but we cannot guarantee that we will notify you when or if your event is published.